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Writer's pictureJulie Turner-Adkin

Chakras: Heart Chakra 21 to 28 years & the return 70 to 77 years.

Updated: Oct 31, 2021

How chakras develop in relation to human years.

Heart Chakra number 4 – Colour Green or Pink

Age range development 21 to 28 years. A time when your thoughts go out to others as you realise the world isn’t just about the self. Seeking marriage, children. In our modern times we can see how this age range has veryb much expanded, as people think of having a family much later in life. The heart is the bridge from physical to spiritual. Being grounded is essential for the heart and emotions to be understood and not to be carried away. As women take on more male roles within the work place, it pushes the nature of the chakras which can be confusing emotionally. The more you can learn to know yourself and where your direction is heading the easier it becomes.

The 3 chakras below = low heart. The 3 chakras above = high heart. Transformation takes place when these merge and become one.

Located in the heart area – very easy to remember. However the chakra is in the centre rather than on the left as in the physical heart. Thymus is the related gland. Purpose of joy and love.

Front – unconditional love. When the heart chakra is fully open and functioning we feel totally connected. The more the heart is open the grater out capacity to love everything and love life itself. Taking people for who they are. Seeing the light in everyone.

Back – Ego will, outer will. How we act in the outside world.

Governs: Heart, lungs.

Relates to: Giving and receiving love, compassions and gratitude.

Healthy and balanced: Following your heart’s desire and able to love freely. When our world is in balance, we can actually feel our hearts ‘sing’. To be at peace with yourself is to be in balance. Loving what you have, feeling you’re in the right place in life and just to be happy. Our human trait is to look at the world through our judgement and also that of others. To be able to turn this around and see the joy in everyday will bring you closer to your happy life.

More Chakras ....... age 70 to 77

The return to the heart chakra.

When our world is in balance, we can actually feel our hearts ‘sing’. To be at peace with yourself is to be in balance. Loving what you have, feeling you’re in the right place in life and just to be happy. Our human trait is to look at the world through our judgement and also that of others. To be able to turn this around and see the joy in everyday will bring you closer to your happy life. In these years our world can be slower, having time for ourselves. Finding peace. Finding yourself.

From our younger years of the heart development at 21 to 28, we now see our relationships in a deeper way. Loving the self as our first relationship.

An affirmation to allow you to shine:

My heart is open to receive the energy of love,

I radiate this essence,

I walk my path with grace and ease.

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